Climbing Helmet for Women RAVINA



FLUQUE is a mountaineering helmet designed for women’s outdoor brand ravina by TANIZAWA SEISAKUSHO, known for its safety helmets. At the time of development, the mainstream mountaineering helmets in the Japanese market were imported products. These helmets were based on European proportions and did not fit Asian head shapes. Therefore, we designed and tailored this helmet to fit Asian proportions. We paid attention to every detail in the design for women, including the front shape that protrudes forward to act as a visor, the ratchet for easy adjustment, the headband shape inspired by hair accessories, and a mechanism that makes it easy to let down tied up hair. The specification allows buyers to choose from seven colors each for the front and back shells, two for the chinstrap and two types of buckle, for a total of 196 customizable patterns, encouraging users to become attached to the product and continue to use it. FLUQUE was developed in the hope that the design would motivate people to buy and wear helmets, helping to save lives.


2016 Good Design Award Best 100